
JavaScript Basiс

In the first classes, students will learn the basics of JavaScript and what data types exist, how primitive types differ from objects and objects from each other, and learn how to work with control structures.

The second part of the course will introduce students to the tools that JavaScript provides for easy data manipulation, as well as the opportunities that will appear in the future.

The last part of the course will cover the fundamental concepts of JavaScript, such as closures and prototyping, as well as the basics of building programs using OOP.


  • Learn the syntax of the language, its grammatical structures and get acquainted with the basics of JavaScript programming;
  • Learn the basics of JavaScript object-oriented programming, such as classes, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation.

Course program

  • Introduction to JavaScript;
  • Grammar;
  • Objects;
  • Functions;
  • Keyword “this”;
  • Built-in functionality;
  • Algorithms;
  • JavaScript today and tomorrow;
  • Closure;
  • Prototype;
  • The basics of OOP;
  • The world beyond JavaScript.